16 Content Marketing Quotes & Stats to Inspire and Evolve Your Strategy
  by:  |  Oct 3, 2019
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Last updated on March 21st, 2022 at 09:47 pm

Another Content Marketing World came to a close, but the knowledge and friendships gained have not. The remnants will be seen throughout the words of brands, both big and small, worldwide. 

The advice given and ideas exchanged will inspire next year’s award-winning content. 

The connections made will weave a new network, linked both by people and online anchor text.

Content Marketing Friends

For me, the content marketing quotes are always a fun takeaway. I’ve compiled my favorite inspiring quotes from top content marketers and top content marketing quotes you need in your life from past years as well.

The recaps, reviews, and stories poured in about favorite sessions, speakers, and experiences. I can’t help but add to the circus of content about “The Greatest Content Marketing Show on Earth.”

In that spirit, here are some of the best quotes from this year’s Content Marketing World conference, spoken by some of the top content marketers in the industry.


Do the right thing.

Several speakers pushed the need for us to stay true to ourselves and stand up for ourselves when questionable decisions are being made.

“Putting audience needs above all else. This is where content marketing needs to improve.” – Robert Rose

Putting audience needs above all else. This is where content marketing needs to improve. @Robert_Rose Click To Tweet

“When you sacrifice integrity for metrics, you should no longer be doing your job.” – Scott Stratten

When you sacrifice integrity for metrics, you should no longer be doing your job. @unmarketing Click To Tweet

Rule #7: Have the conviction to say ‘NO’ More branded mentions and ads in your article? NO” – Joe Pulizzi

Rule #7: Have the conviction to say ‘NO’ More branded mentions and ads in your article? NO @JoePulizzi Click To Tweet


Grammar and style in a marketing word.

In an industry full of English majors and former journalists, there are some strong opinions on writing style in content marketing. Many a (mostly) friendly debate about grammar has broken out on Twitter for exactly this reason. Just don’t bring up the Oxford comma.

“Never use exclamation marks!” – Ann Gynn

This was one of my favorite quotes from the week and one that @CMIContent featured for National Punctuation Day.

“Who talks like that? Not humans. Marketers talk like that.” Scott Stratten  -@unmarketing 

Scott Stratten uncovered fake reviews from cell phone company Bell Canada because the language in the reviews was over the top positive and written with obvious marketing vernacular. It serves as a reminder of both the integrity of marketing and the importance of writing (ethically, of course) in your customers’ language.

Who talks like that? Not humans. Marketers talk like that. @unmarketing Click To Tweet

Bell Mobile Fake Reviews


Look it up first.

Before you get carried away with your creative writing, do your research. Have a plan for where your content should go and the information to back it up. Find the real source and make it a reliable one. You will improve the authority of your site and yourself (and, oh yeah, your rankings on Google).

“If someone seems to be an authority, question it. Check out their bio. Check out their social media.” – Buddy Scalera

If someone seems to be an authority, question it. Check out their bio. Check out their social media. @BuddyScalera Click To Tweet

“Research has really set me free creatively as a writer.” – Mindy Kaling  

Research has really set me free creatively as a writer. @mindykaling Click To Tweet

Mindy Kaling at Content Marketing World

“We need just one key KPI. (Yes, I know the ‘K’ stands for ‘key.’)” – Scott Spjut

Scott Spjut’s 1 KPI is how well you rank on Google. He made the case that this is so important that a good ranking on Google is actually the best indication of quality content, and therefore content that will do well in other areas like social media, email, paid search, etc.

We need just 1 key KPI. (Yes, I know the ‘K’ stands for ‘key.’) @scottspjut Click To Tweet

The Basics

Content marketing basics.

They are at the core of what we do. You might already be familiar with these ideas, but an eloquent reminder can be helpful.

“Don’t tell customers your stuff will make them smart, capable, and good. Tell them they are already smart, capable, and good.” – Tamsen Webster  

Don't tell customers your stuff will make them smart, capable, and good. Tell them they are already smart, capable, and good. @tamadear Click To Tweet

With the gripping story of Florence Nightingale, Tamsen Webster explained that if you want your customers to read your content, accept it, and buy what you are selling (literally), you shouldn’t start by telling them what they need to change. 

Focus on them first. This ties into Robert Rose’s quote about putting your audience first and Tamsen’s theme of why a story, not a sales pitch, will keep an audience’s attention.

“Talk to 1 person at a time. More specific = more relatable” – Ann Handley

Talk to 1 person at a time. more specific = more relatable @annhandley Click To Tweet


Back it up with some numbers.

It is advisable to have a few content marketing statistics back in the office with you. Numbers are often the best way to get your point across when you need to prove something to yourself or higher-ups.  


CMWorld Analytics & Data Stage

“15-40 characters [subject line] has the highest CTRs in SERPs” – Ian Cleary

A heading with 15 - 40 characters has the highest CTRs in SERPs @IanCleary Click To Tweet

 “42% of Americans say brands are less truthful now than 20 years ago.” – Margaret Magnarelli  

42% of Americans say brands are less truthful now than 20 years ago. @mmagnarelli Click To Tweet

“73% of us are producing more content than last year.” – Ann Handley

73% of us are producing more content than last year. @annhandley Click To Tweet

With the help of a wild rabbit, Ann Handley told us (in true Ann Handley style) that if you keep creating more content and throwing it at your audience, it won’t help you. It needs to be created with your specific audience in mind.


You can do it.

After all of the insights, data, and stories from the best of the best in content marketing, it can be overwhelming to get started implementing all that you’ve learned. 

Some inspirational quotes can “light your fuse” and “shoot you out of your cannon” and into your content-creating zone. That may be too far on the circus metaphors. 

“The people you report to have no idea what you are doing.” – Joe Pulizzi

Although equally inspiring and disheartening, Joe Pulizzi aims to get content marketers to be their own evangelists, promoting what we do and why it works, even within our own companies.

The people you report to have no idea what you are doing. @JoePulizzi Click To Tweet

“We are not rational. We are rationalizing. We create stories to justify what we do.” – Tamsen Webster

We are not rational, we are rationalizing. We create stories to justify what we do. @tamadear Click To Tweet

“Do one great thing: The Ryan Seacrest Law” – Joe Pulizzi

Do one great thing: The Ryan Seacrest Law @JoePulizzi Click To Tweet

It has been said before, but it is worth repeating – don’t try to be everything to everyone.

There are many more content marketing quotes worth mentioning from Content Marketing World. Feel free to add your favorites in the comments below.

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