Design Print Tips
What does Your Business Card Say About You?
  by:  |  Aug 6, 2008
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Last updated on September 8th, 2017 at 11:50 pm

I read an interesting post about an experience that a writer had with a friend’s business card.  The point of the post was how the writer’s friend had produced what they thought was a elegant business card, but the end result was a drab and generic card.

As we’ve noted before, your business card is an important part of your personal brand.  If you have a generic looking card, it makes your business come across as being generic.   Using a creative business card design can help you project a positive image for your company and help make your card memorable.

Remember, the goal of a business card is to make sure people want to keep the card.  So you should always make sure you have the type of business card that sparks people’ interest and makes them want to keep the card.  In many cases, the first impression you make on a potential customer is through your business card.  In designing that card you want to make sure that the card creates the type of first impression that you wish to make.

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