What Does Your Brochure Design Say About You?
  by:  |  Jul 6, 2009
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Last updated on April 22nd, 2013 at 11:19 pm

Your brochure design ideas are critical. Why? Because your brochures are a major part of your sales tool arsenal and can say a lot about you, your company and your services. Think of a brochure as your company’s calling card.

So, before you start drafting brochure design ideas, keep reading for some essential tips and ideas that will help keep you on track and on point.

Straight to the Point Brochure Design Ideas

Keep it Short and to the Point

Yes, as a printer we make more money the more pages you print. But, the truth is that the large, 50-page corporate brochure is a hangover from the 80s. They’re expensive to print, costly to mail and often too cumbersome to be of any use.

In the end, you’re better off focusing on the needs of your target audience. Here at UPrinting, we offer simple, folded, single-sheet brochures and catalog brochures starting at just 8 pages.

If you need to, come up with several brochure design ideas and print different brochures for different markets. Printing 3 batches of 1000 smaller, targeted brochures is much more effective than printing 3000 generic brochures that don’t speak to anyone in particular.

Product or Image?

This comes back to staying on point. Are your brochure design ideas focusing on a particular product or service or who you are as a company? Do you want to increase awareness or perhaps position yourself with a new product?

Having a goal in mind will help you and your design team stay on point and on budget.

Get Professional Help

You may have the best brochure design ideas, but if you don’t have the design skills it may not turn out. Instead, let a professional designer or copywriter help you bring your idea to life.

If freelance professionals aren’t in your budget, UPrinting offers a massive selection of industry-specific, professionally designed marketing brochure samples for just $75. This includes a fast 24-hour turnaround and two revisions.

Stick to a Booklet or Standard Brochure Fold

You may be tempted to opt for some strange, napkin-esque origami fold because you think it’s “unique.” But, guess what? There’s a reason most people don’t use those types of folds – they’re confusing to the reader. Instead, keep it simple with an intuitive booklet or traditional brochure fold that lets you control the reader’s progress.

UPrinting’s brochure printing starts at just $64.17 for 500 full-color and cheap brochures. You can choose from a range of sizes and stocks, including custom cuts.

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