Powerful Postcard Design: Remember the Back End
  by:  |  Feb 13, 2009
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Last updated on March 13th, 2020 at 10:01 am

Hand someone a postcard and watch what they do with it. They’ll pick it up, glance at the front and then flip it and look at the back. They might go back and read it again, they might not. With that in mind, here are some design tips to make your postcard as effective as possible:

Powerful Postcard Design Tips

1. Sell on Both Sides

Use the design to sell on both the front and the back of your printed postcard. If you’re planning on leaving it blank so that it can be handed out and used as a postcard, add some design element like your logo to at least lay a claim the space.

2. Make Your Copy Scannable

Your friend that you gave the postcard to, how long did it take them to flip it over? A second? Two seconds? Your headlines have to be snappy and larger than life. Think summary, not epic saga. Use bulleted lists, quick sentences and short paragraphs to get your point across, fast.

3. Highlight the Right Copy

Again, your copy has to be scannable, but you can’t just bold a random line of text and call it a headline. Instead, highlight text that emphasizes the offer on the table, any guarantees you might offer or how to respond or reply.

4. Inform on Both Sides

If you’re printing Postcards to advertise an event, make sure the important details (like the date) are on both sides.

Ready to take your powerful postcard design and bring it life? Head on over to for all your Full Color Postcard Printing needs! UPrinting even has top-quality pre-designed postcard templates for anyone who needs their postcards ASAP.

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