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Print Tips
Does The Price of Printing Reflect The Quality?
  by:  |  Aug 5, 2009
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Last updated on September 8th, 2017 at 08:15 pm

There are hundreds of online printing companies who advertise “cheap printing,” but there’s a big difference between “cheap” and “good-value.” A cheap printing job could end up costing you more in the long run while a good-value printing job costs less and still comes in on time and with high-quality.

So, how can you tell the difference between a cheap printing company and a good-value company? Easy, look for these three signs:

How to Tell Between a Cheap and a Good-Value Printing Company

1. Customer testimonials

A good printing company can still offer low prices. Here at UPrinting, we’re all about quality and yet we offer some of the lowest printing prices on the web. But, if our prices are so low, how do you know we’re any good?

online printing reviews

Easy – just read our customer testimonials. We have over 5000 positive reviews on our UPrinting website so you can see for yourself just how many satisfied customers we have. We even sort our reviews by city, industry and type of product ordered. If a company’s not willing to back up their claims with real customer feedback, then they’re most likely cheap, but not high-quality.

2. Constant order status updates and communication

Sure, you might find a cheap printing deal online, but if the brochures you needed don’t show up until two weeks after the trade show, then it’s not going to be of much use to you.

order status updates

Instead, we provide a website where customers can check their order’s up-to-the-minute status. We also provide a toll-free number (1-888-888-4211) and live chat function because we want to stay in touch.

3. Offset printing services

If a printing job is too cheap to be true, it probably is. There are a number of companies who advertise full-color printing services. What they don’t tell you is these jobs are done on digital printing presses.

digital and offset printing options

Digital color printing has come miles in the last ten years and it’s great for short runs, but it’s still not at the level of four-color, offset printing. So, look for a printer, like UPrinting, that offers both.

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