Design Print Tips
Custom Printed Hang Tags For Clothing
  by:  |  Jan 27, 2010
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Last updated on March 25th, 2020 at 01:28 pm

Make the best use of your hang tags by treating them as your store’s customized identity tokens. They will act as just that when your customers go home and inspect their purchases, and may also make the difference on whether customers will return to your store.

Custom Printed Hang Tags Ideas

Creative Branding: Add creative twists to your branding strategies to enhance top of mind awareness in your customers. When it’s time to reinvent your store’s identity, make sure your hang tags for clothing are also updated, professionally printed and designed, and proven to resonate strongly with your customers to increase the chance of purchases.

Photos: Include photos of models wearing pieces from your clothing line in your hang tags, particularly whole outfits that come completely from your brand. This will help customers visualize your clothes positively even before they try the clothes out in your fitting rooms. By presenting possible clothing combinations, you also encourage them to purchase more than one item in your store.

Promos: Increase awareness of your promos by including information about them in your hang tags. Whether you have discounts, raffles, or contests going on, by including them in your hang tags you also enable customers to easily pass information about them to people they know.

Customer Feedback: Including survey or customer feedback forms to your custom printed hang tags ensures that:

  • the respondents have most likely bought from your stores,
  • you know what products were purchased, and in which of your store’s branches (if you include this information in your hang tags), and
  • your customers are aware that means of communicating with your store are easily accessible.

Ensure that your apparel hang tags are printed professionally, on time and at the best price. Visit to check out our custom hole, sizing, and paper options for your hang tags today.

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