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Booklets and Catalogs - FAQs

What sizes are available for booklets?

We offer 13 standard sizes for booklets, including popular ones such as 5.5” x 8.5”, 8.5” x 11”, and 6” x 9”. We also accept custom size requests up to 12” x 12”.

Will I save more if I order a large quantity of booklets?

Yes, we do offer discounts for bulk orders. Our minimum order quantity for standard booklets is 250 pieces but if you order 1,000 pieces and above, you can save up to $1 per booklet.

To find the cost, select your specs and quantity in the product calculator. The total printing cost at the bottom of the calculator will automatically get updated.

How many pages are there in one booklet?

A booklet consists of four cover pages along with the inside pages. The number of pages we offer includes the four cover pages and the number of inside pages specified in the order.

For example, an 8-page booklet consists of four cover pages and four inside pages. The four cover pages refer to the front cover and the back of the cover page, while the last page is the back cover and the second to the last page is the inside of the back cover which are printed back-to-back respectively.

Our online calculator breaks down the number of cover pages and inside pages upon selection. The total number of booklet pages allows you to plan the cover and corresponding content accordingly.

Should I leave some space on the sides of my booklet design?

Yes, a bleed of 1/8" should be on each side of every booklet page. Extend your artwork to the edge of the bleed so that it isn’t cut off or stretched when printed.

You can download a layout template from any product page to ensure your artwork includes the 1/8" bleed and prevent any printing errors. 

Can I leave some pages of my booklet blank?

Yes, you can. However, you would need to clarify this with Customer Support as soon as you place your order so we can inform the team that the pages were left blank on purpose. If you are not in a rush, you can wait for our file specialists to reach out for verification.

What is Wire-O binding?

Wire-O binding is a popular bookbinding method that’s also referred to as twin loop wire and ring wire binding. It’s often used in calendars, journals, workbooks, manuals and any other bound document that is laid down flat on a desk. Learn more about Wire-O binding here. 

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