Booklets and Catalogs FAQs

All the answers you need to print your Booklets and Catalogs
custom booklet printing
A booklet consists of 4 cover pages along with the inside pages. The number of pages we offer is comprised of both the 4 cover pages and the number of inside pages.

For example, an 8-page booklet consists of 4 cover pages and 4 inside pages. The 4 cover pages refer to the first 2 pages and the last 2 pages of the booklets, which are back to back on print respectively. (The first page is the cover and the second is the back of the cover page, while the last page is your back cover and the second to the last page is the inside of the back cover.

Our online calculator breaks down the number of cover pages and inside pages upon selection. The total number of booklet pages allows you to plan the cover and corresponding content accordingly.